The Irish Water Spaniel Club of Puget Sound began as a small group of people who gathered together one evening in early 1990 to discuss and plan for hosting the 1991 IWSCA National Specialty show. With the successful completion of this specialty show, the group then decided that we should become a real club. Many of the charter members are still active in the club today.
We soon began the tasks of drafting a constitution, electing officers and board members, creating a logo, and seeking permission from the AKC to host independent specialty shows.
After many years of meeting together for club events, this ever growing group of IWS owners decided to again host a national specialty show in 1997. We were then a group of 65 members and moving ahead with our requirements to meet AKC’s approval to hold a pointed event.
After all the paperwork was signed, the Sanctioned Matches successfully held, the Irish Water Spaniel Club of Puget Sound became the first Regional IWS club to be sanctioned by AKC to hold breed and obedience trials. We held our first independent show in 2000.
The club holds monthly board meetings where all members are invited to attend. We have an annual Christmas Party, an Awards Banquet that recognizes the achievements of our members and their IWS, and of course our annual specialty show in August.
The members of IWSCOPS are active in the AKC events boasting a Master Hunter Dog, multiple Master Agility dogs, Utility dogs, Tracking dogs and an official Dock dog. We also have two active service dogs, many TDI Irishers, and of course specialty shows Best in Breed and Best in Show winners to round out the field.
Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month.