GCh, CH Whistlestop’s Abracadabra, RN Rally Novice Colleen Rubello
Ch Whistlestop The Adventure Continues, CD, RN, RATN, CGC Companion Dog Rod and Renae Peterson
Realta’s Carlin O’Whistlestop, RN, SHU, CA Rally Novice Russ and Patrice Dodd
Ch Stanegate Second Thoughts, CD, RN, JH, JHU, RATN, CGC Canine Good Citizen, Barn Hunt Novice Russ and Patrice Dodd
Ch Whistle Stop’s Mischievous Thought, CDX, JH, RAE, BN, RATS, Graduate Open, Martha Jordan
CGC, CGU, GGA, WCX, GA Companion Dog Excellent
Ch Beaufiels Bidda Poole’s Ide, RN, RATO, CGC Barn Hunt Open Maribeth Bryant
Ch Whistle Stop’s High Jinks Nessa, CDX, RE, SH, WCX, WDX, CGCA Senior Hunter, Championship Misalyn Armstrong
Companion Dog Excellent
Ch Whistlestop’s Journey to Freedom, UD, RN, JH Utility Dog Laura Burns
Poole’s Ide Sweetwater Eddy, RN Rally Novice Walter Kilmer
Ch Flintcrest First Dance Champion Stacy Duncan
Ch , GCh Flintcrest Fire in O’regon’s Sky Champion, Grand Champion C at Shelby
Ch Madcap’s Cruisin’ the Good Ship Lollipop, BN, RN Beginner Novice, Rally Novice Bill Ellis
Ch Whistlestop’s Eammom for the Top, CD, BN, RE, CGC Rally Excellent Walter Kilmer
Ch Whistle Stop’s Terra Marique Champion Michelle Cummings
HRCh Hooligan’s Hussy Home from Whistlestp, JH, CD, RN, WC Junior Hunter, Rally Novice, Florence Blecker
Companion Dog, Working Certificate
Ch. Hooligan"s Written ib the Stasrs Championship Florence Blecker
Ch Whistlestop’s Not Me ‘Pax" Did It n RN, CD Companion Dog Brenda Groeneboer